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Thursday, August 15, 2019

Early study suggest 2 Ebola treatments saving lives

Two of four experimental Ebola drugs being tested in Congo seem to be saving lives, international health authorities announced Monday.

The preliminary findings prompted an early halt to a major study on the drugs and a decision to prioritize their use in the African country, where a yearlong outbreak has killed more than 1,800 people.

The early results mark “some very good news,” said Dr. Anthony Fauci of the U.S. National Institutes of Health, which helped fund the study. With these drugs, “we may be able to improve the survival of people with Ebola.”

While research shows there is an effective albeit experimental vaccine against Ebola — one now being used in Congo — no studies have signaled which of several potential treatments were best to try once people became sick.



  1. Who here in the States cares about some desease we are never going to get? What a waste of money, let them crook.

  2. Considering the amount of global travel your statement is rather uninformed. Ebola could become a concern here or it could be any of a variety of emerging diseases. Best to be ready. We don't live in isolation.

  3. Considering the amount of global travel your statement is rather uninformed. Ebola could become a concern here or it could be any of a variety of emerging diseases. Best to be ready. We don't live in isolation.

  4. GOD designed this Ebola to cull out the weak, it is not for Man to eradicate.
    Africa is too be left alone, and not interfered with.
    God said to take care of your own first!

    1. God designed AIDS to kill gay people, lung cancer to eradicate smokers, diabetes to end obesity, Alzheimer’s to get rid of geezers, Mersa to kill fishermen, alcoholism to kill the weak-willed, cars to kill jaywalkers, cops to kill black kids. so let’s close the hospitals and send home the doctors who work against God.

  5. 1:32 at least the cops are doing a good job! Thank God for the men in Blue!


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