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Thursday, August 15, 2019

Democrat contenders unload on news media

The Democrat presidential contenders are letting loose with a barrage of attacks against the news media, ripping national outlets for what they view as biased coverage of their campaigns or unfair double standards in covering President Trump.

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) is leading the way, making his grievances with “corporate media” central to his anti-establishment campaign.

The Sanders campaign took it up a notch this week, calling out CNN and NBC by name and making the case that The Washington Post is covering him negatively because he’s been critical of the newspaper’s billionaire owner, Jeff Bezos.

Top media personalities are firing back at Sanders and accusing him of taking a page from Trump, who routinely attacks major outlets such as The New York Times and CNN as "fake news."

But Sanders is far from the only Democrat candidate to vent frustration with the media’s campaign coverage.

A top surrogate for former Vice President Joe Biden’s campaign lashed out at reporters this week for giving outsized coverage to the former vice president’s recent verbal gaffes.

And former Rep. Beto O’Rourke (D-Texas) and former San Antonio Mayor Julián Castro (D) have both blasted the press for what they describe as applying too light of a touch with Trump on issues pertaining to race.

More here


  1. Ha ha they dont like it when the shoes on the other foot! As long as MSM was bashing Trump left and right they NEVER said a word!

  2. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahah!!!!!

  3. Isn't that special? The media are "BIASED" they say.

    Disobedient lap dogs that got off the leash.

  4. So used to having the playing field tilted that when it starts to level they freak out!

  5. Leftmedia has chosen their candidate to support and it ain’t Bernie.

  6. He didn't seem concerned when they helped Hillary steal the 2016 primary

  7. waaaaaaaah!!!! You would be the biggest moron to vote for any democrat that is running for president.MAGA!!! get out and do the right thing and VOTE RED !!!


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