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Monday, August 19, 2019

Days after Carroll County sheriff calls Walmart security ‘poor,’ company officials to meet with police leaders

After an armed robbery at the Eldersburg Walmart led the Carroll County sheriff to harshly criticize Walmart’s security policies, he and other local law enforcement representatives will meet with corporate Walmart officials Thursday to try to find solutions.

Crime data obtained by the Times showed that local police are often called to Walmarts in their jurisdictions, and thefts and police calls at the Westminster location have increased significantly since last year.

On Friday, Sheriff Jim DeWees alleged Walmart’s poor security policy “breeds” criminal activity and puts a burden on law enforcement. DeWees then requested a meeting with corporate Walmart officials, who responded “rather quickly,” he said in an interview Wednesday.

Walmart representatives will meet in a closed session Thursday with DeWees and representatives from three of four Carroll municipalities where there is a Walmart: Westminster Police Deputy Chief Maj. Pete D’Antuono, Mount Airy Police Chief Doug Reitz, and the property management company that manages Eldersburg Commons, where the Eldersburg Walmart is located, DeWees said. Maryland State Police, whose jurisdiction covers the Hampstead Walmart, is unable to attend, according to DeWees.



  1. With the kind of clientele I see in Wal-Mart,they should hire an outside firm to come in who wear vest and carry automatic weapons. Especially the cows riding around in the handicap carts until somebody pisses them off. Then they come outta that cart ready to kill. Or at least have the guards armed with elephant and buffalo tranquilizers.

  2. Hey numb nuts, this is what happens when you are taxed to death and can't afford anything, you have to steal it to survive... But anyone who wants to try and live off of the land by growing their own food and the like, IE get swat teamed and claimed they are growing Marijuana...

  3. God forbid anything happens to you in a Wal-Mart all those security cameras are junk and the in house security is more worried about cheap crap shop lifters and not your safety. Just ask Muir Boda.

  4. I can’t speak for all Walmarts but it is a known fact that some of their employees are involved in allowing the number of
    thefts that occur. It takes awhile for management to determine which employees before they fire them.
    Perhaps if they paid more they could get honest people working in their loss prevention departments. Walmart would be better off hiring off duty officers to handle the paper work involved in the shop lifting incidents and the police department would not have to send an officer every time a report was needed. Employee theft is also a problem for these stores.
    Again better background checks on the people being hired would be helpful.

  5. i agree buffalo tranquilizers are definitely needed. Those people are supersized for a group that has no money. how do the poor folks get so damn big

  6. All Department stores security is a joke. I retired from 22 years of security and was told I was not qualified. Seen shoplifting take place right in front of store security and they never seen it or just ignored it. So you get what you pay for. When you hire incompetence you get incompetence.

  7. Yeah and the big b!+ches got money for tatoos. But no money for shampoo. A big a$$ b!+ch.


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