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Monday, August 12, 2019

David Rosenberg: "These Are Truly Historic And Dangerous Times"

Authored by David Rosenberg, chief economist with Gluskin Sheff + Associates Inc. and author of the daily economic newsletter Breakfast with Dave. First published in the Globe and Mail.

We are living in dangerous times.

Mostly, everyone I speak to lives in the here and now. They seem more interested in telling people how crazy cheap the stock market is and how crazy expensive the ‎Treasury market is, rather than trying to look at the current environment in a historical perspective. We are living through a period of history that will be written about in textbooks in years and decades to come, and the undertones are none too good.

Instead of telling people there is no recession, these bulls should be discussing why the markets are busy pricing one in. What do these pundits know that the markets don’t know? We have a bond market in which a quarter of the universe trades at a negative yield.The long bond yield has gone negative in Germany. More than half of the world’s bond market is trading below the Fed funds rate. Investment grade yields, on average, are below zero in the euro area.



  1. Your living in dreamland if you don’t believe the government has gone rogue ,it’s self serving and protects its corruption any way possible.

  2. There is always one screaming that the sky is falling. The problems is knowing when to believe them.


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