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Thursday, August 01, 2019

Cummings Rejects Tour of HUD Facility in Baltimore

Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-MD) turned down an offer to tour a Housing and Urban Development (HUD) facility in Baltimore with HUD Secretary Ben Carson on Wednesday.

The agency extended an invitation on Tuesday but Cummings turned down the request.

When reporters asked Carson about why Cummings was not present at a press conference, he responded Cummings may have been absent due to a scheduling conflict but did not elaborate on why he skipped the tour.

Dr. Carson visited the Baltimore facility soon after a series of weekend tweets from President Donald Trump criticized Cummings for being a “brutal bully,” alleging his district was in disrepair because of his lack of oversight.



  1. cummin' is getting rich off the backs of the poor blacks in b'more. Typical...

    1. He lives in a $800.000 home in the rich side of BMORE

  2. Cummings is scared he will be shamed into resigning or the neighborhoods will get rid of him.

  3. With $66B in grants, he can afford more than a $800K home. Is he spending the rest on drugs?


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