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Monday, August 05, 2019

Confusion: Biden offers sympathy for the ‘tragic events in Houston today and also in Michigan’

Former Vice President Joe Biden misstated the locations of mass shootings in El Paso, Texas, and Dayton, Ohio, while speaking to donors at a high-dollar fundraiser in San Diego on Sunday night.

Biden, 76, mistakenly referred to the shootings as “the tragic events in Houston today and also in Michigan the day before," but later corrected himself, according to a pool report. Biden seemingly confused Houston for El Paso and Michigan for Ohio when speaking to donors about the shootings.

The fundraiser for his presidential campaign took place at the home of businessman Mark Arabo, who is an advocate for persecuted Iraqi Christians. Around 75 attendees at the fundraiser received a three-course meal before the vice president's remarks, and listened to Biden speak in a marble-tiled living area with two chandeliers as they sat in rows of white chairs.



  1. Yeah we need him in the white house. He'll bomb Iowa instead of Iran. And then say " c'mon. Man"! A dumb bastard.


  2. Slow Joe, the Gaffemaster; for 76 years a walking, talking, groping example of the phrase 'You can't fix stupid".

  3. He slipped up and mentioned the next 2 fake attacks. By the way they have used the fact that this shooter posted a manifesto to a message board to shut it down on the internet. I hope the next one posts to their Google+ or Facebook account so we can demand their shutdown by the government. Of course they have already blamed Donald Trump. If he is to blame for this can we blame Obama for the Chicago body count. He is not only their president, he was their "community organizer"

  4. He will be a fool like Jimmy Carter was. At least he doesn't have a brother Billy!!!! Can't wait for the debates between him and Trump. Would love to see this for the entertainment value!

  5. Trump did the same damn thing. Thoughts and prayers for Toledo.

  6. he doesnt have a brother Billy but he does have a crooked son Hunter

  7. In all fairness Trump said the shootings in Toledo in stead of Dayton. These guys are campaigning and fatigue sets in. Places and names start to blur together.


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