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Friday, August 23, 2019

Comey FBI Willfully Ignored "Highly Classified" Hillary Clinton Emails; Barr Radio Silent

President Obama's FBI, ran by disgraced former director James Comey, knew about - but purposefully ignored - "highly classified" evidence in the Hillary Clinton email investigation before they downgraded their initial assessment of her crime from a felony to a "grossly negligent" mistake.

As The Hill's John Solomon reports, a Senate staff memo updating an ongoing inquiry by Sens. Chuck Grassley (R-IA) and Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) reveals that the FBI decided to back off their pursuit of this damning evidence "even though the agents believed access to the sensitive evidence was "necessary" to complete the investigation," writes Solomon.

What's worse, Trump's DOJ has known about this egregious failure of justice since at least 2018 thanks to a classified report by the agency's Inspector General Michael Horowitz, who explained what happened in a briefing.



  1. Nothing will happen never does. Deep state always wins.

  2. Barr is biding his time - the hammer will fall and it will fall hard!


  3. Knowing about it is the first step. I'm hopeful motivated prosecutors can deliver a lot of public disdain and financial pain to the plotters, before they face the jury and jailers.


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