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Monday, August 26, 2019

College professor: 'I affirm that I am antifa'

CEDAR RAPIDS, Iowa (KCRG) -- Complaints against Kirkwood professor Jeff Klinzman, who professes support for a militant leftist group called "Antifa", is opening a debate over free speech on college campuses.

Antifa is a group that has been behind several violent protests nationwide. Their name is short for Anti-Fascist and is a movement focused on physically fighting far-right and white supremacist groups.

The FBI has monitored the group and President Donald Trump is threatening to designate it as a domestic terrorist organization.

Klinzman, who has worked as an adjunct English professor at Kirkwood since January 2010, tells the I9 investigative team, "I affirm that I am 'antifa'". Klinzman declined to take part in an interview with I9 citing safety concerns but said in an email he makes no apology for what he has posted online.



  1. In other words he's part time,and doesn't know what else to get into. Probably has a need to be somebody. Dickhead academic.

  2. Antifa- anti first amendment

  3. It simple means ANTI FASCIST . You people toss it around like it's the Taliban or Hezbollah. Have you been to any of these rallies or protests and taken a stand for yourselves or are they just the Fake News boogie men people that have your trembling and gripping that carry gun lost in your ass crack ?

    1. What the hell are you talking about?

    2. 6:13 You people? Wtf are you talking about ?

  4. Wherever "Antifa: shows up, they are there with full masks, clubs, bike locks & other weapons and physically beat down all who don't agree with their opinions, especially older and weaker people by singling out & ganging up. That, in itself makes them Anti- First Amendment, and secondly, full on fascists themselves.

    Don't let the name of claim fool you.

    Anti-FA = Anti First Amendment.


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