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Sunday, August 11, 2019

Christina Carrier Sentenced For Theft Over $100,000


  1. As usual is sounds good on the surface but when you actually read it, she got 1 year. With good behavior she will do 9 months.

  2. And she will go on welfare, so no repayment

  3. @11:26 AM - she already repaid. It's in the news release.

    1. No, she made Sherwood whole. She may have paid them the amount they didn't recoup on the insurance and also has to now pay the insurance the amount they paid out to Sherwood.

  4. 11:31
    If she repaid why the restitution?

  5. "Carrier made Sherwood whole." What the hell does that mean?

    1. She paid them the amount they didn't recoup on the insurance and also has to now pay the insurance the amount they paid out to Sherwood.

  6. Just my opinion: couldn’t have happened to a more deserving business...

  7. Sounds like the insurance company paid $88000 and she paid the difference. She still owes the insurance company.

  8. August 5, 2019 at 11:55 AM

    I agree, totally.
    Horrible experience and some really horrible people there.

  9. Could that explain why Sherwood is no longer in business and Safford took over. I didn't didn't see anything in the news, and it went from Sherwood to Safford overnight!

  10. I believe one of the salesman there used to do the book keeping for his parents business in Cambridge. He wrote checks to himself to fund his lifestyle until he was caught by a family member. I wonder if she was his girlfriend?

  11. So she didn’t make Sherwood whole the insurance co did now they have to become whole if she pays them.

  12. Way to go Bruce Rogers. Another hire that was not competent but was pretty. You are the man!!!!

  13. Dummy. Enough said.

  14. i want to know why people like her and Katherine Fowler can embezzle like that and get very little time out of it and Kathie Fowler's husband was a cop! She stole money from the tax payers in the form of property tax money. These people just because they are female should not be getting away with this kind of theft! They do and that's why others think it ok, they see that there was no consequences to their theft.

  15. Is it just me, or does it seem there are a lot of women, working in accounting departments, both public and private, that are caught embezzling large amounts of money. Many a husband has had to deal with wives that have no control over their spending, and my ex-wife was no exception. I would still be in debt if I hadn't kept her from accessing all my money during my marriage. Women are like politicians, they LOVE spending other people's money.


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