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Saturday, August 31, 2019

Brennan Defends Partner-in-Crime Comey Following Release of DOJ IG Report – Fires Off Ominous Warning to President Trump

Former CIA Chief and architect of Spygate John Brennan defended James Comey on Thursday afternoon after the DOJ Inspector General released a scathing report on the former FBI Director.

Brennan also fired off an ominous warning to President Trump implying he will be in a “world of trouble and hurt” after Republican Senators can no longer protect him.

Brennan, Comey and others have suggested that Donald Trump will be indicted after he leaves the White House and with every victory they become even more brazen.
BRENNAN: Jim Comey is far more decent, ethical, honest, competent, & patriotic than you could ever hope to be. It is only because the AG & Republican Senators refuse to put country above party that you are not in a world of trouble & hurt. But their protective cocoon is only temporary…” Brennan said in response to Trump’s tweet hammering Comey.



  1. Lock Up Brennan too !!!

  2. now thats some funny shint right there, i don't care who you are. They don't have jack shint on him (President Trump) enough to impeach him or bring charges but can after he is out of the Whitehouse?? I call a huge bullshint on that one! John Brennen should be behind bars in gitmo along with Comey and the Clinton's. To threaten Trump like that. Keep on Brennen add of fuel on your fire. It's a matter of time and you crooks will pay your just dues for you crime spree. Tick Tock!

  3. Brennan is a known Communist. He is an enemy of the State. He has committed treasonous acts. Why did Obama allow him in his cabinet or have the highest clearance. He is another that should be in prison with Hillary, Comey and the others.


  5. Those corrupt appointed administrative government heads have no idea who they are messing with. None of the corrupt blowhards have their jobs anymore, or the power they so blantently abused. Donald Trump was a billionaire before he held office, and he will still be a billionaire when he leaves. Those piss-ants can't touch him after he leaves office. He won't have to sell lies after he leaves office, like they are doing.


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