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Friday, August 16, 2019

Berlin MSP Sobriety Checkpoint 8-16-19


  1. Well that was a big waste of time

  2. 415 cars in 74 minutes on a weeknight at midnights coming out of OC on 50 and no impaired drivers? Kinda blows MADD's report of percentages of drunk drivers doesn't it. I would like to see the report of dual checkpoints on 50 and just west of the big RT 90 bridge. Almost 6 cars a minute, they were busy.

    1. Explain the dead body’s resulted from alcohol related accidents. we still have alcohol commercials promoting drinking and Booze killed Twice as man as opioid crisis in ONE year. Pure craziness

  3. Meanwhile all the drunks are on Coastal Hwy...will the caped crusader and boy wonder figure out there way from this conundrum?

  4. Checkpoints ... So much for needing a reason to stop you.... Stop you and try to find a reason

    1. Well,

      they cant search my car when they smell marijuana anymore

      courts ruled today

    2. They can still search your car, they cannot search your person based on the odor of marijuana in your car, unless your under arrest or if other certain circumstances exist.

  5. They had traffic backed up a long way and SHA sitting with their signs to guide everyone. All the drunks turned off in advance, all the sober people wasted their time in the line trying to get home from their 3-11 shifts... good job MSP, you got them, “Maryland’s finest”...

  6. 415 violations of the Fourth Amendment. How much did we pay for this fiasco?

  7. Keep window up show DL on window ask for a attorney if questioned.

  8. There was an accident last night at Woodyard Road and Route 50....shortly after the time MSP stopped the DUI search. I wonder if they missed one?


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