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Friday, August 09, 2019

An American Hero Killed In Vietnam Comes Home, And An Entire Airport Terminal Stops To Watch

On Thursday, everyone at a terminal at the Dallas airport witnessed something extraordinary: the remains of an American pilot who was shot down in 1967 were finally brought home — and the pilot of the plane carrying the remains was his son, who was only five years old when his father was shot down.

Jackson Proskow, the Washington Bureau Chief for Canada’s Global News and Globe National, chronicled the moment on Twitter:

"I’m at the airport in Dallas, waiting for my flight home to DC from El Paso, and something incredible is happening. Our incoming plane is carrying the remains of an American pilot shot down over Vietnam in 1967. His remains were only recently recovered and identified and brought back to the U.S. As we wait at the gate, we’re told that Captain Knight is coming home to Dallas. When he left from this very airport to fight in Vietnam his 5 year old son came to the airfield and waved goodbye. It was the last time he would see his father alive.

"Today the pilot of the plane bringing Capt. Knight back to Dallas is his son.

"The entire terminal has come to watch this arrival.

"What a privilege it was to witness this moment. For those asking, they announced it over the intercom. The gate agent was very emotional as he told the story over the PA. They handed out American flags to everyone at the gate."

Proskow concluded, “On May 19, 1967, Maj. Roy A. Knight, Jr., USAF, was shot down while attacking a target on the Ho Chi Minh Trail in Laos. He was initially listed as Missing in Action until being declared Killed in Action in 1974. During that time, he was promoted to Colonel. Fifty-two years later, in February, 2019, Col. Knight’s remains were recovered and identified by personnel assigned to the Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency.”

More here


  1. Sad story.
    Terrible war full of lies to the American People.

    Welcome home soldier

    1. "Full of lies" yes. Which is why for the life of me I dont understand why you folks refuse to call out ALL politicians for their lies, even when its a POTUS you support. We owe it to all our brave men and women in uniform, especially those who came home hurt or in a coffin, to hold politicians accountable at all times.

  2. Welcome home Colonel; RIP.

  3. God Bless You All !

  4. Not many stories bring tears to my eyes, but this did. R.I.P. EVERY single person in this country owes their freedoms to men like this brave soldier. I thank God that I have the privilege to live in this great country

  5. respect 🇺🇸

  6. Great story, to bad the liberal media won't cover this. CNN and fake news would not consider even a mention of this on air.

  7. Thank you for posting sooo worthy of people
    knowing ! Brought tears to my eyes. God
    Bless our men in Uniform, we owe them so
    much more respect than they receive!!

  8. Welcome Home Colonel! R.I.P.

  9. Wonderful story. Thanks for sharing. Don't ever see this on the news. Had to get out another box of tissues, as it was so immensely touching.

  10. Thank you for your service and respect and love to your family. We do not forget the sacrifice of the defenders of this country both here and abroad.


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