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Sunday, August 25, 2019


                IN 90 DEGREE WEATHER.

    "It's important to remember that it's not just the ambient temperature, but also the humidity that can affect your pet," says Dr. Barry Kellogg, VMD, of the Humane Society Veterinary Medical Association. "Animals pant to evaporate moisture from their lungs, which takes heat away from their body. If the humidity is too high, they are unable to cool themselves and their temperature will skyrocket to dangerous levels—very quickly."

 Why not to leave Pets In a Parked Car. 
Not even for a minute! Not even with the car running and air conditioner on. Remembering the Ocean City Policeman who left his  K-9 dog in his car with the A/C on.  He came out of the Police Station to find the A/C had cut off and his dog ---dead.    
On a warm day, temperatures inside a vehicle can rise rapidly to dangerous levels. On an 85-degree day, for example, the temperature inside a car with the windows opened slightly can reach 102 degrees within 10 minutes. After 30 minutes, the temperature will reach 120 degrees. Your pet can  suffer irreversible organ damage or die.
If you see a dog outside in temps of 90 degrees , Please  contact Salisbury Animal Control at  410- 749 1070 .   If the answer machine is on , leave your name , your  return #,  the address of where  the Animal in distress is located and description of the dog.  You may want to check  to see if the owners have complied , if not report again .


  1. There are literally billions of animals already outside...yet, somehow, without government control, they survive.

    1. Correct but they’re also not domesticated animals

  2. I have 600 head of cattle, I will try to get them all in the house this morning.

    1. Good looking out for your cows... 👍🤠

  3. How do dogs survive in Mexico??

  4. This cannot possibly be a law. Everyone is not fortunate enough to have an air conditioned home, therefore it may be hotter in the house then it is outside. I usually go outside when it's hot and sit under a tree. I would suggest a dog is smart enough to do the same.

  5. Oh dear. How will I fit my horses in my little house? Anyone have an air conditioned the barn?

  6. I wonder how they survived 200 yrs ago.

  7. I'm encouraged that there is still some common sense left among us after reading the first four comments. Can anyone quote the law that says animals cannot be left outside if the temp is over 90 degrees?

  8. Hot Dogs! Hot Dogs! Red Hots! Get your Hot Dogs!

  9. Not even the PETA people are defending this garbage. How crazy are people going to get when it comes to protecting animals? Get real people, there are a lot of homeless humans out there, who is going to bring them in?

  10. If you think it's ok to leave them outside I can see the reasons (despite my disagreement), but please don't tie/chain them up. If you're going to leave them outside in very hot or cold weather they need to be able to find their own shelter and relief. They night seek shade in the heat, or they might dig a hole in the extreme hot or cold. But if you limit their mobility they can't find relief. There are problems with leaving them run loose too, but at least that gives them a chance to survive. But why put them at risk either way? Why not shelter and care for them? If you don't want them, find someone who does.

    1. Thank you for being the only humane person responding to this post. I love my pets and would take a bullet to protect them. And you can call me crazy all day long if it floats your boat.

    2. Youre crazy all day, Wong..?

  11. Don't leave tied up so they can find SHADE.

  12. Go to Dog Laws of Wicomico County or
    State Dog Laws of Maryland and you'll
    find the answers .

    If you have a pet , respect the knowledge
    that they CAN"T Sweat to keep Cool as humans do.
    Read the article , hopefully your will
    comprehend WHY they suffer in the extreme
    heat humidity.

  13. God help the people posting negative
    comments, or should I say , God help
    your children when you have no compassion
    in your Soul , knowing from this article,
    that A DOG Doesn't SWEAT To Cool Themselves!
    They try to cool themselves by Panting to
    evaporate the hot moisture from their lungs.
    If it's hot and high humidity they cannot and
    their organs start to shut down !!

    How much plainer can that article be??

  14. For the person inquiring about our County Dog Laws -- Below you will find the site under Wicomico County
    Animal Care law requirements --- Title 133-23
    " Animal Care"------page 33 , Under "B" , Shelter
    for Domestic Animals . This was passed this year.


    E. Walls

  15. Domestic Animal Definition: A pet; dogs, cats or other tame animals or birds and which serve some purpose for its owner or others. ... " Domestic animal means an animal of a species of vertebrates that has been domesticated by humans so as to live and breed in a tame condition and depend on humankind for survival." Or §823.041 of Title XLVI

    So, dogs who are pets are Domesticated animals. And, this Law
    is the County DOG Law . That's DOG LAW.
    I cannot believe that people don't read thoroughly or
    is it they just don't comprehend this posted article!

  16. The person that doesn't have A/C on here, I
    am sorry you've had to endure the torment of
    the heat this summer. However, if you have
    a Dog, and you love it, you're best to find it
    a home with A/C so it can breath properly.
    Remember when you read the article the Vet
    from the Humane Society of the U.S. states,
    DOGS DO NOT SWEAT ! Please read again so you'll
    be fully informed .

  17. A/C For dogs, Great Idea . I know of a
    lady who has that for her cats since she
    can't have in house since she's allergic.

    Really , If you're going to have a pet , then
    be a responsible pet owner and keep it inside!

  18. I don't know who all you rich people are that can afford air conditioning. An animal should not be kept outside if he doesn't have any shade, and definitely not in a car. I personally have had a neighbor call the police on me many times in the winter. (A Southern Maryland winter) for having my dog out for a half an hour. He was a 100 lb. Samoyed, bred in the Yukon to pull sleds. Lol. He was makin doggie angels when I let him go outside. (He was an indoor dog and we loved him like family) Mind your own business unless you see a dog in actual distress. Sometimes we DO know what we are doing.

  19. Whew... There's a bunch of "Karens" in here today.
    In addition to food & water, the pets should have shade & shelter.
    Requiring anything beyond that is getting a bit ridiculous.
    We have humans who don't have anything more than that.

  20. Dogs don't sweat----look it up , that's why it's
    sooooo dangerous for them !!!


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