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Saturday, August 17, 2019

8,000 Maryland drivers could lose licenses during next traffic stop

As Maryland works to meet a 2020 deadline to comply with the federal Real ID law, the state has recalled the licenses of 8,000 people.

For those people, being pulled over for any reason could now lead to their licenses being confiscated.

“Those customers have received at least six notices,” said Chrissy Nizer, director of the Maryland Motor Vehicle Administration.

The 8,000 drivers were among the first 80,000 to be notified about the state’s need to see additional identifying documents, so that licenses are compliant with the federal government’s tightened security requirements. In all, 780,000 drivers were identified as lacking proper documentation for proof of age and identity, Social Security number and Maryland residency.



  1. Question, Are the illegal immigrants licenses compliant?

  2. How many illegals, foreigners, and minorities have a driver's license and shouldn't?? How many collecting WELFARE and S.S. who shouldn't but because they had a friend working in the system??

  3. Well, if you drive the beltways around the state, there should be another 80,000 that should lose their licenses just for their driving antics.

  4. Maryland was busy doling out licenses to illegals earlier, now we must all suffer for their stupidity. So unfair when you are in your 60s and 70s and have had a MD license you were 16 and now have to go through this. Plain Bullsh*t. All because MD was so greedy for a quick buck.

    1. You realize this is a FEDERAL requirement, not Maryland's idea!! Gather your paperwork, make an appointment and you'll be in and out of MVA in 20 minutes.

  5. If ever there was something to protest this is it.This is government over reach at its worst and Annapolis needs to know about it.

  6. Come and Get me COPPER

  7. I'll renew my drivers license when it's due accordingly to the expiration date on it


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