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Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Woodstock 50 courts Vernon with offers of jobs, VIP lounge, playground

Town of Vernon, N.Y. -- Faced with a potential court battle this week over plans to hold a concert at Vernon Downs, Woodstock 50 is courting area residents with promises of jobs, charitable donations, a VIP lounge and even a new playground.

Town codes officials have twice denied Woodstock 50’s request to hold a concert at Vernon Downs Casino Hotel in mid-August, saying the applications were incomplete and filed too late. Promoters will appeal to the town planning board Tuesday night. If they lose, they can go to court.

In the meantime, concert promoters and track owners announced in a news release they’ll hold an open house tonight and Tuesday morning to present plans for the show, expected to draw 65,000 people Aug. 16 to 18.



  1. Why would Woodstock 50 bring 65,000 people, yet Salisbury’s FF will bring almost 100,000?? Do the math.

  2. Woodstock is a dead horse. You can cash in on the nostalgia and if everyone I have met in my life that swore they were there in the mud it would have been millions. Besides who's going to preform now ? Katie Perry and Lady Caca. Like I would want see either of them now. I'd need better LSD than they had then.


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