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Monday, July 29, 2019

Why Do Democrats Run All Of The Dangerous And Rodent Infested Cities?

Congressman Elijah Cummings may honestly believe that his district in West Baltimore doesn’t stink.

But it does.

I’ve been there, I’ve seen and smelled it.

Bernie Sanders called it “the third world" back in 2016.

Sometimes the truth hurts. Especially to those bathed, clothed, and dipped in the intoxication of corrupt power, but that’s why sunlight is so helpful.

And disinfecting!

Rep. Cummings, while being very obsessed with Russia, seems utterly bewildered with the idea that anyone could dare question why so many billions of federal dollars flow to places like West Baltimore when they are obviously doing no good.

Look at other cities in similar dilapidation and there holds a unique truth: Democrats run them all.



  1. Because they live large at the expense of taxpayers with no recourse for their non actions.

  2. Yeah we could use some federal dollars here and take back the community from the slum lords and opportunists. That seem to think that Politics is some drunken popularity party.

    1. off civic ave

      where the old Mall was located

      Jake Day has approve the area to be built as Section 8

      How come the community was not invited to this planning meeting????

    2. Why wasn't the civic center bulldozed and a multi tier parking lot put in its place with a new better alcohol family venue in the old mall parking lot

    3. is this true joe?old mall lot?

  3. Because they SUCKER the Blacks in America into Voting
    for Them !!! ( They are the Former KKK ) Wake Up !!!

    They do ALL the Bad & then Blame ALL on the Republicans

    Wake Up Blacks in America !!!! Wake UP !!!

  4. Blacks forget that the Former Slave owners were Democrat !!

  5. I been there. It stinks, and go out at night behind the row houses, and the rats are over the trash cans. That's a bad place to live.

  6. Thank you President Trump for bringing accountability to leadership...the way it should be!

  7. Elect another Dem and you too will enjoy long lines for food stamps, no toilet paper, fecal covered sidewalks, foreclosed houses and a ruling elite that blames the ones try to solve the problems...

  8. They (Demon-crats) use Mouse Traps to run the cities !! LOL


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