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Thursday, July 11, 2019

Watch Term Limits Advocate SHRED Congress!


  1. I bet that went over like a fart in church.
    Well done expressing the feelings of just about every, single American.
    The only reason there is a term limit for the President is because Congress voted for it. They will NEVER vote themselves out of their careers. Never!
    It's up to us to do it via social media and getting 3 fifths of the states to create a constitutional amendment by going around Congress.
    Hmmmm. Let's think about that.

    1. via social media? Facebook will support ousting Nancy and Chuck? Probably not

  2. Term limits need to be an executive order, all members should be required to get health insurance, a 401K and a limited salary during their term! But of course that will never fly with these demons!

  3. I believe in term limits too. Not sure but I thought private industry had age limits on their employees. I'm probably thinking of an old law. However, Congress seems to be put on a pedestal. Free health insurance for them and family, free reserved parking at airports, limited work hours (tuesday- Thursday), long holidays, summer, spring etc vacations, private US Government airplanes (Nancy Pelsoi flys from DC and San Francisco in Government plane), cars/RVs plus Government employee drivers and also Government security personnel. Are they worth 30 years of this? I say NO. Congress works for the people not we support Congress.

  4. Northwest Woodsman: Cummings, Waters and Pelosi are reason enough to require term limits. Hopefully, a new term limited member of congress will not be able to figure out how to screw us citizens before they are required to leave office.


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