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Thursday, July 04, 2019

WATCH LIVE: President Trump addresses nation in ‘Salute to America’



  1. Freaking awesome!!!

  2. It was beautiful and well worth the cost, no matter what it was!


    1. The Air Force said it costs $122,311 an hour to fly a B-2 bomber, which is making the round trip from its home at Whiteman Air Force Base in Missouri. Officials said the flight will be considered a training event, with the cost already budgeted.

    2. President Trump 2020, 2024, 2028...July 4, 2019 at 8:33 PM

      The Media, has become the essential instrument of the progressive movement in our Country.

      Some of that socialists movement is to lie to the American Public.

      President Trump is a refreshing breath of air for us to breath....as our battle continues against this movement

      President Trump sums up the Alphabet news net work as FAKE NEWS.

      Vote President Trump in 2020....run the progressives to the hills.

  3. All fly overs were a part of thier training budgets.. they were already paid for.. but no-one will ever report that!.

    1. MUST HAVE BEEN A DEMocrat Incharge of the plastic screen full of rain drops.

  4. Trump was, again, very Presidential and patriotic. No matter what he says or does, the lefties will say something ugly or come up with some lie...If the USA doesn't wake up and get the left out of the educational system, there will be too many young minds poisoned that we won't be able to keep crazies like Bernie or Creepy Joe out of the White House.

    1. OATH KEEPERS for LIFEJuly 6, 2019 at 12:01 AM

      Please read

      Unfreedom of the Press
      by MARK LEVIN

  5. I watched and it was awesome. I especially got a little choked up with the Navy flyby to Anchors Aweigh; proudly served. MAGA!

  6. 7:19, thank you for you service! It was a beautiful Parade! God bless the USA!, MAGA!!!

  7. About 5 more years coming of the left pulling their hair out. Great time to be alive.


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