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Friday, July 19, 2019

Video Release: Governor Hogan Announces an Additional $28 Million of Toll Relief for Marylanders

Latest Initiative Would Bring Total Toll Savings Up to $344 Million

ANNAPOLIS, MD—Governor Larry Hogan today announced that the Maryland Transportation Authority (MDTA) Board will consider new tolling options to save Marylanders more than $28 million over the next five years. This would be the third round of historic toll relief during the Hogan administration, resulting in a total of up to $344 million in savings.

Ahead of today’s announcement, Governor Hogan visited the Bay Bridge Toll Plaza, where he first announced a statewide toll cut in 2015.

"We are proud to once again deliver historic toll relief for our citizens by putting another $28 million back into the pockets of hardworking Marylanders," said Governor Hogan. "In 2015, we cut tolls at every single facility in the state–the first time tolls had been cut in 50 years. With this next action, we will be delivering on three rounds of toll relief in less than five years.”

This additional savings expands on toll relief initiatives that Governor Hogan has previously announced, including a 2015 toll rollback to save Marylanders $270 million by 2020, and a 2018 initiative for free E-ZPass transponders to save drivers $46 million over five years.

This new $28 million in savings will be achieved by a new pay-by-plate option, expected to be in effect by June 2020, which will allow tolls to be automatically billed to credit cards at the same rate as cash customers. New vehicle classifications are expected by September 2020, providing lower toll rates for motorcycles and for vehicles towing one- and two-axle trailers, such as those for fishing boats or landscaping equipment. Another proposal to allow video tolling customers to pay before invoices are mailed, and get a discount, is expected to be in effect by December 2020.

The MDTA Board is expected to vote at its July 25 meeting to advance the process for this toll relief to take effect by seeking public input and holding hearings.


  1. Nice slight of hand hogie look at me lower this toll while i take your guns with no due process. Look at me lower tolls and forget all the other bs ive done and vote for me when i run for congress or president. Rino confirmed

  2. How about some relief from the EBT Welfare crowd.

  3. Face it Hogan and the rest of the progressive liberals have turned Maryland into a full blown sanctuary freak show state and we all are left footing the bill

  4. This is how the gov operates. They take something from you they shouldn't and then give a little back and parade around like they are heroes !

  5. Small business tax and regs relief!

  6. 7:26 ..THE BACKBONE OF OUR COUNTRY ... worthless Congress People just don't care !!! Really sad !

  7. how about roll back on some taxes? what we pay in property tax is atrocious! when you add up the state, county and city tax, its ridiculous!

  8. If Democrats destroy small business they destroy America and they know it that’s why all the proposals like high wages,healthcare,insurance coverage,bank regulations to do them in.

  9. Republican in name only.

  10. Cut the real estate taxes and we might listen. Clamp down on the EBT crowd from buying crabs and shrimp and we might listen even more. We might even vote for you next time if you take care of those two things.

  11. He HAS to do something about the Bay Bridge toll booths. Stopping masses of autos fro toll collection and creating ROUTINE six mile backups is stupid. I needed to drive to DC a couple of weeks ago after work on a Thursday, and the traffic was stopped all the way to route 97, waiting for a chance to get across the Bay Bridge eastbound at around 6:15 PM. This has become a daily occurrence. By the time I returned at 9PM, the wait was minimal, the logjam was eased, traffic was moving (albeit slowly), all the way across the bridge eastbound. The daily rush hour of people heading back to the shore and northbound 301 can't keep getting stopped by toll booths. The engineers are right about this one (Hogan's not that smart). Maryland has to quit stopping high volumes of traffic just to collect toll money. There is a better way and this is it. Maryland has been slow to figure it out. Other states are already doing this (Interstate 64, Suffolk Bridge to Outer Banks), If you don't have EazyPass, they just mail you the toll bill. Then you just go online to pay it. Been there, done that, and that was several years ago. And Maryland is still going to have to put up with the toll booth logjams until June 2020. Great job Hogan...NOT!


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