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Sunday, July 28, 2019

Trump dings Fox poll showing him losing to Biden; Fox News not 'what they used to be'

President Trump on Friday shrugged off a new Fox News poll showing former Vice President Joseph R. Biden would beat him by 10 points in the 2020 election.

Claiming the network is “not what they used to be,” Mr. Trump blamed his low numbers on former special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation and the “lamestream” media.

“@FoxNews is at it again. So different from what they used to be during the 2016 Primaries, & before - Proud Warriors! Now new Fox Polls, which have always been terrible to me (they had me losing BIG to Crooked Hillary), have me down to Sleepy Joe,” he tweeted.



  1. I have been WARNING People Fox is now run by The owners sons who are BOTH LIBERALS from England It's a matter of time before they are CNN II.

  2. Yes, agreed, there is no such thing as unbiased media at this point UNLESS you are lucky enough to get OANN tv, they are indeed UNBIASED media. Of course the evil Comcast owners will not offer it.

  3. Yep look at Shep Smith Chris Wallace ECT Trump bashers.

  4. Imagine CNN putting on anti Obama hosts ?.

  5. Imagine CNN putting on anti Obama hosts ?.

  6. Polls don't mean SHHHHT !!

    Proven in 2016 !!!! Dugh

    We Real Americans Wait in silence , until it is time for
    Trump's Winning Landslide Victory !!!!!

  7. Trumps got my vote again for 2020

  8. The silent voters
    Got you covered
    End of story

  9. If that happens we let too many illegals slip in.

  10. Whatever happened to "We report, you decide?"

  11. Voting for anyone else would be a vote against America!!!

  12. The likes of Shep Smith have ruined FOX news. He s obviously , blatantly a Trump hater. He has no business slanting things the way he personally thinks of the president. His job is to report the news , not make it the Shep Smith opinion hour. He needs to stay home with "the man he is in love with" (his words). Stay out of the news room.

    1. At 3 pm FOX CHANNEL goes off. At 4 pm it's back on. Been doing it since this POS covered Katrina.

  13. DemocRATs are the new Domestic Terrorists to AMERICA.

  14. Yep, same ole Shep. I cannot stand him. In my opinion, he is the ruination of FOX News.

  15. The polls were correct in 2016. Trump lost by over 3 million votes.

  16. What an idiot.

    How is it Fox News fault that a poll didn't come out in his favor?

    Did he expect them not to report it?

    I just can't even.


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