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Tuesday, July 09, 2019

This is how racist 45 is!!!


  1. I knew Trump was the worst racist ever!!

  2. MAGA! God bless

  3. MAGA! God bless

  4. It's like watching one of those old Star Trek episodes. Where in an alternative universe the masses blindly listen to the media as if hypnotized. And you just know one day they are going to wake up and realize why in the hell have I let myself be conned by the media. But as of today, they continue to drink the Kool aid... And along comes President Trump...

  5. Obviously the liberal left is pandering to the uninformed and uneducated black/brown/yellow voters who are told Trump is a racist. It is painfully obvious to most who the true racists are.

    1. Yup and they are only 13% of the population and half of them are in prison they are also responsible for 57% of the murders.


  6. Yep. Sen. Robert Byrd (D) and Governor Ralph Northam (D) the dry cleaner called; your robes are ready.

    Dems are the slave masters. Obama's mom was descended from MD slave owners. Kamala Harris is descended from Jamaica slave owners. Al Gore's father voted against the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as did most southern Democrats.

  7. I thought I read that Kamala's dad said their family owned slaves.


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