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Thursday, July 04, 2019

These are not just good, they are GREAT.


  1. God Bless America.

    The greatest country in the history of mankind. NO QUESTION.

    There is nothing we cannot do, no enemy we cannot defeat.

  2. I love them. This is really nice.

  3. God bless America and President Trump and his family and Administration for having accepted the call to lead our country back in the right direction, despite the horrendous opposition from those who want to tear us apart.

  4. Flaws enable people to bend with the breeze,roll with the punches or however you wish to put it.Trump amazes me each day.

  5. PROUD to be American and feel so blessed. We have a wonderful country with freedom and bounty. TO the naysayers who are constantly at odds with democracy, patriotism, honest productivity, and faith...I defy you to go somewhere, anywhere in the world to find better.

  6. All the posters are great! However, posters three and six definitely portray what may be a very unique and true blessing for these men and their continued acknowledgement of God’s role and existence in the founding and perpetuation of our Great Nation. As long as we have leaders and citizens that pay respect to God and His role in our Nation, we will continue to be blessed. May God continue to bless all our leaders, particularly these two men as they continue to fulfill their roles in leading our Nation. I

  7. Trump should be in a mental hospital. I'll never vote for that egomaniac again. Gov. Jessie Ventura should run and be our next president.

  8. Goooooooooo Donald! We love you, man!

  9. 1:52PM Thank you for psychoanalysis of Trump. It is obviously resultant and conclusions reached from all your advanced training and education in the psychiatry field, which becomes unequivocally clear based on your remarks.

  10. 1:52 judge not least ye be judged


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