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Friday, July 05, 2019

The Battle of Gettysburg: The untold story of the Pennsylvania Irish Brigade

On July 1, 1863, the Battle of Gettysburg began. We remember the Irish Pennsylvania Fighting 69th who "put up a magnificent fight that saved the Angle and killed any chance that Pickett’s charge could succeed."

The following is an excerpt from 'Lincoln and The Irish' by Niall O'Dowd, founder of IrishCentral.

On this anniversary of Gettysburg, we recall the incredible role of the Pennsylvania Fighting 69th, all Irish immigrants in stopping Pickett’s charge, General Lee’s last desperate attempt to break through the Union line on July 3rd, 1863 in the most important battle ever fought on American soil.

There is a phrase in the Irish National Anthem, which is usually sung in Irish, that reads “Bearna Baol.” The closest translation of “Bearna Baol” would be the “Gap of Danger,” or the most dangerous part of the battlefield.



  1. I'll bet all the Civil War Union dead are rolling in their graves seeing what has become of the blacks they died to free.

    1. Im black. As Im typing Im enjoying coffee on my waterfront deck and counting my rent receipts from my tenants. Pretty happy with where I and many others have come. Lol

  2. Still waiting for a thank-you card.


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