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Saturday, July 27, 2019

She Verbally Consented To Sex But The School Determined He Committed Sexual Assault Because He ‘Cajoled’ Her With Flattery

A new lawsuit filed against Pennsylvania State University includes several abnormalities, including the school’s decision to review the first hearing into a student’s alleged sexual misconduct and the decision to change the definition of consent in the middle of the disciplinary proceedings.

John Doe, as he is referred to in court documents reviewed by The Daily Wire, was accused of sexually assaulting a student referred to as Jane Roe at the end of January 2018. The two had met the previous spring since they were both part of the Schreyer’s Honors College. On January 26, 2018, the two met up again in a computer lab and started talking. They then started flirting and Jane put her number into John’s phone, according to the lawsuit, and texted herself, “I LOVE YOU.” The two continued to flirt for several days, and Jane even spent time in John’s dorm room on his bed. She told him she didn’t want to be “friends with benefits.”

On January 27, 2018, Jane told John her roommate was out and gave him her dorm room number. John went to her room at 1 a.m. and the two talked and began kissing. John’s lawsuit claims that Jane’s initial accusation lined up with his own memory of the incident — he performed several sexual acts on her but stopped as soon as she asked and that she told him to stay in her room when she went to the bathroom and then provided him with a condom. The two engaged in sexual intercourse. After the encounter, Jane continued to flirt with John over text messages and allegedly told her friends she wanted to have sex with him again. The lawsuit claims Jane later changed her account of the sexual encounter to claim that John physically forced her into sex and that she tried to get away from him.


1 comment:

  1. Oh, it was fun and quite good. But now, I've changed my mind and I don't really think he was all that great and I heard he was seeing another girl, so I'll get him now. RAPEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!


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