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Friday, July 19, 2019

Seattle Woman Shoots Armed Burglary Suspect With A Rifle

A suspected burglar is in critical condition after a Seattle woman shot him in the shoulder with a rifle from the roof of her house Thursday, Seattle police say.

The shooting took place before 1 a.m. on Thursday, KOMO-TV reports. The woman called 911 to inform authorities that she had just shot an armed suspect as he was trying to intrude.

Local officials said that when police arrived at the scene, they found the 41-year-old burglary suspect behind the woman’s house with a gunshot wound on his shoulder, KOMO-TV reports.



  1. Democrat Voter. AOC supporterJuly 19, 2019 at 8:43 PM

    I hope to goodness

    that rifle can not hold more than one bullet

    no one needs a gun ( SCARY ) that holds more than one bullet

    1. Yeah right, there were two burglars
      "Please get behind one another, I only have one bullet to shoot both of you with"

  2. Please ...Please ... Please ..Cry Me A River ....

  3. Better not do it in Maryland, you will get arrested for firing a gun at a victim of white supremacy or white privilege. The poor guy needs to have room to rob and burn like the Mayor of Baltimore said.


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