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Sunday, July 07, 2019

Salisbury City Council Meeting Agenda & Packet for 7-8-19

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  1. AS MUCH as dabury hates small business and working people's tax dollars they sure do love SPENDING IT for there BULLSHIT agendas... More queer crosswalks EBT Waterfront housing ect ect ECT.

  2. Jake Day just rides the coattail of the progressive liberal agenda. He has no real genuine thought process. With Maryland agreeing to nor recognize gender assignment on their political curriculum how can it go anywhere but down the toilet. We are the mirror image of California's beliefs and look what their cities look like now. Salisbury is a mirror image of Baltimore with its ghetto drug infested worthless waterfront development and Jake Day can't force it down your throat fast enough. There's no leadership in Salisbury that has any inkling of character or integrity. Salisbury today is all about the greedy getting paid and the city government assbiters given a pathetic identity within city government. If you think it's going to get better you're sadly mistaken. Your school system sucks which in turn has driven your property values in the shitter

  3. Maybe SPD would have no issues with turnovers and retaining officers if there was a better upper administration. Just saying and coming from someone inside who knows

  4. This is interesting - With Deputy City Administrator Pulcher's departure.

    Where'd the twit go? She didn't seem qualified for the position in the first place, and she ALREADY left?

  5. @7:03 there no one within Salisbury's upper management that IS qualified. The ONLY thing that their qualified to do is kiss ass to get ahead

  6. @7:03 it's amazing what Salisbury has allowed to happen within its city government. This crap all started with Ireton promoting douchebag Stevenson to city administrator with such a lack of formal training. Salisbury city government isn't run by professionals it's merely a popularity contest. If you kiss the right asses the sky is the limit. I guess maybe that's our society in general and more than likely the reason we are experiencing such turmoil


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