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Monday, July 22, 2019

Richard Pryor’s daughter, Rain Pryor, to run for council seat in Baltimore: report

Rain Pryor, daughter of the late comedian Richard Pryor, spent part of her 50th birthday last week filing paperwork to run for a city council seat in Baltimore, according to a report.

Pryor, who filed as a Democrat, says she’s running because she opposes what she described as the “My way or the highway” approach of incumbent Councilman Ryan Dorsey, the Baltimore Sun reported. Dorsey is also a Democrat, completing his first term in office, according to the paper.

Pryor also told the Sun she became frustrated from battles with local school officials after her daughter dealt with bullying in elementary school.




  1. Did this woman drop out of school and is considering any job she can get?

  2. Omg another “celebrity” attached idiot that thinks they can run a dump!

  3. Northwest Woodsman: Wow what an impressive set of credentials. Daughter of a foul mouth comedian! Although, when you think about it most Marxist democrats are a comedy show in their own right. Blacks are admittedly entertaining or where would professional basketball and football be now? Additionally, TV wouldn’t be the same without Cops and 48 Hours which are primarily based on black criminal conduct. Refute my statement if you can.

  4. Joe, apparently the media isn't covering the Circus in Pocomoke City. I found this on someones webpage about last nights Pocomoke City Council Meeting. The follow up comments from friends tell an even deeper story:

    Anyone that belongs to this group and was not at the council meeting, it was another free for all. A disgrace! No respect, no accountability and there’s more going on than meets the eye. Another personal attack on Susan. Just because she asked some questions. Bobby spoke and was shown no respect. He was cut off and did not get to finish his presentation because of some ridiculous 3 minute time limit that the council voted on and put into place. it was pretty evident that they were not interested in what he was saying. It was written on some of their faces. The police had to be called because three family members of one of the council got in Keri Ann’s face yelling and screaming at her. And yes they got out of their seats and came to her. I’m telling you this council runs this city and the citizens will do as they say or else. It’s a circus and yes I said a circus. Unprofessional and people acting like fools. As a matter of fact because you ask questions and never get answers you act like children. You all better get a grip and start helping by asking questions and demand accountability for actions and what’s going on or we can only blame ourselves for the demise of our town. Whether you pay taxes or not, we all have a voice! It’s pretty evident that Bobbys dismissal is personal!

  5. HAHAHA. No more dad's money to spend?? So now she wants TAXPAYERS!!


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