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Monday, July 22, 2019

REVEALED: The Democrats' Blueprint To Steal 2020 From The Voters Of America

The Democrats intend to steal the presidency in 2020.

It is the only way they can “win.”

They’ve learned this. They’ve lived it. And without a decisive turnout in 2020 they believe they have mastered the process.

If you thought that Bush vs. Gore, or the Georgia and Florida 2018 recounts were ugly, keep your powder dry. 2020 will be the worst yet.

All the signs point to this, assuming they can actually find a candidate.

Once they do however, the largest scale assault on our free elections ever attempted will be unleashed.

Here’s three strategies they are implementing or have implemented



  1. Anyone who says or thinks the left will not attempt to steal the election in 2020 is completely ignorant and/or naive.

    Stealing elections is what the left has been all about for decades. Hence the smug talk ahead of the 2016 election from Nancy Pelosi. She KNEW the fix was in and the election was in the bag. It was crystal clear from the way she acted.

    They will surely try it again, and this round will be particularly virulent with the techies all-in for the left, consequences-be-damned. It's do or die.

    The solution-- such a YUGE turnout that even their best efforts won't get them there.

    That may eventually generate an attempt at a 'revolution' from the lefties.. which they will sorely regret.

    America has had enough of this crap, and if the loony left decides to start something, it will be what was once called 'shock and awe' time.


  2. So since it is a know and proven fact that the Russians interfered with the 2016 elections, what is Trump doing to safe guard 2020 . That is what I thought ,...nothing

    1. How much does the PRESIDENT have to do snowflake?? What about the POS REPUBLICAN ESTABLISHMENT?? What about YOU?? ME?? TYPICAL comments from ANOTHER government assistance prodigy.

    2. Does anyone have a count on the number of russians that actually voted in our 2016 presidential election? Come on, anybody? I have a rough guess. Approximately 0, spelled zero

  3. More fear from the people who want to stay in power. The other side is going to do X. Both guilty of it every election cycle.

    All horse feces. People will vote for who they personally like, regardless of what big tech or media says. Polls mean jack and so does Google, YouTube or Facebook.

  4. Remember when it was proven that Russia interfered in our elections? You seem all to eager to turn a blind eye to that. Do you ever question how strange it is that you and Russia want the same thing; an idiot in the White House?

  5. I must have missed something again, please explain how the russians interfered with the presidential election 10:20

  6. @10:20 by leaking how criminal the Democrats candidate was. Don't you understand her character doesn't matter and that her threats of war against the Russian people should have been allowed to proceed unhindered?


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