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Monday, July 08, 2019

Rep. Swalwell: McConnell won't be in the Senate after 2020 to stop gun control bills

Rep. Eric Swalwell said he is confident Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell will not be in power to stop gun control bills from being brought to the Senate floor after the 2020 election.

McConnell is up for reelection and is running for his seventh term.

"How would you pass any gun control legislation, as president, if Mitch McConnell has control of the Senate?" CNN's Ana Cabrera asked last Saturday.



  1. McConnell needs to go - but not for this reason....
    The Senate Majority Leader needs a spinal column!

  2. MCCONNELL is a RINO. Your correct 11:30!!

  3. 1130-McConnell has done a hell of a job. Blocked Garland, got 2 SCOTUS picks through the Senate, added to the federal bench and will continue to, and has trolled liberals better than almost any Republican not named Trump.

    1. MCCONNELL is a douchebag. He could have done a HELL of a lot more. He ONLY does what helps his pockets. Not what's in AMERICA'S INTEREST.Just like RYAN. RETIRED ON THE JOB!!

  4. F ...off all you DemocratsJuly 8, 2019 at 12:58 PM

    He may not

    but WE THE PEOPLE will stop this

  5. You people won't do squat... You haven't yet, and you never will... Oh maybe when it is to late and far gone you might but I won't hold my breath...

  6. I guess 2:03 thinks he is the second coming
    They can pass all the gun laws they want
    Can't wait to see them try to enforce them


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