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Friday, July 26, 2019

Rand Paul on Mueller: He Doesn’t Understand Fundamental Part of Our Judicial System — Presumption of Innocence

Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) said at the Turning Point USA’s Teen Student Action Summit in Washington, DC, on Wednesday that Special Counsel Robert Mueller does not understand American jurisprudence.

“Here’s the thing,” Paul said. “Alright. I’m not a lawyer. I’m a doctor. But I know that American jurisprudence —our system — is based on what? Innocent until proven guilty.”

“Now Mueller is supposed to be this smart lawye, but he doesn’t seem to understand the fundamental part of our judicial system,” Paul said. “So he writes in his report, ‘Well, I can not exonerate him, I can’t tell you that he’s innocent.’”

“That’s never the job of a prosecutor,” Paul said. “A prosecutor never does that. You either prove guilt or the presumption is of innocence.”



  1. Mueller is brilliant.He is officially out of it because of mental issues.

  2. No , they Damn well Understand it

    They just think they are Above the Damn Law & can Go
    around the Law , with these Kangaroo Courts of Congress !!!

    These escapades of Congress need to be Outlawed &
    tell them that They Are Not a COURT

    That is for the Other Branch of Govt to do
    Their sole job is to Make Laws , Not to act as Courts !!!!

  3. 7:05, Ah yes,Mueller not guilty by reason of insanity.

  4. He is too Old & senile to write his own report !!! LOL LOL

  5. If they are going to be allowed to act as a court , then they
    should have to go by the same court RULES !!!

    Problem SOLVED !!!! Then they can't Go-Around the Law !

  6. They don't care about the Truth or Innocence !!!

    All they care about is Winning !!!! Period

    Just like the OJ case > 2 Dead & All under the rug / Over

    OJ still out playing Golf & dating WHITE girls , as usual !!!!

  7. Rand Paul is a 9/11 Traitor.


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