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Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Queen Anne’s looks to limit balloon releases

“Up, up and away, my beautiful, my beautiful balloon…,” sang the 5th Dimension back in the Age of Aquarius. But today the plethora of balloons being released into the atmosphere is becoming an environmental and wildlife hazard.

And some folks in Queen Anne’s County are hoping to do their bit to curb releasing those non-biodegradable helium filled orbs aloft.

A bill was submitted to the Queen Anne’s County Board of Commissioners last week to outlaw their release, and slap a $250 fine on those who purposely let them fly into the atmosphere.

The bill, introduced by Commissioner Christopher Corchiarino, is backed by the Eastern Shore’s oldest environmental organization, the Queen Anne’s Conservation Association.



  1. Really love wasting tax payers $ o. BULLSHIT.

  2. Good luck enforcing that.

  3. Good It's littering. I find the remains of them in my woods all the time. Plus it's an asinine thing to do. It's forever done when someone is murdered as if it means anything.

    1. Y don't u stay in the woods SNOWFLAKE


  4. Somebody doesn't have enough to do. Proposed fine is out of proportion to imagined offense.

  5. Hardly a snowflake 1:19. Have my Trump flag flying everyday. Why would I stay in the woods when I have an over 7000 sq ft beautiful home most people would give their right arm to live in? I just happen to like my surrounds pristine. Letting balloons go off into the unknown is littering. People of a better class were taught to not litter and to pick up after themselves. It's the snowflakes and the democrats who live like pigs. Look at the inner cities.

  6. Can you see over 1000 people going to the Queen Anne's courthouse and releasing balloons?


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