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Monday, July 08, 2019

PRMC Family Mourns The Loss Of Dr. Jim Burns


  1. R.I.P Dr. Burns. My deepest condolences to his family and friends. Your family is in my thoughts and prayers. He was so one of my customers years ago when I operated my Landscaping & Groundskeeping Firm🙏🙏🙏

  2. Dr Burns was one of the nicest people I knew. He always was there to help and never made you feel like anything was unimportant. He was just a great man. He will be missed as a doctor and a friend.


  3. I worked for him when he was over on Mt Hermon Rd. he was a great doctor and very nice person he will be indeed be missed sorry he passed so young. A truly nice thoughtful caring person to all.

  4. Hopefully not related to CANDY BURNS.

  5. Great human being. Will be missed

  6. His 1st wife was Jane Burns who worked at his practice on Mt Hermon Rd. I'm sorry to say evil, vindictive and just down right mean, he was just the nicest. I was so happy that he remarried after Jane's death I just wish he could have enjoyed life longer.

  7. The medical community has lost a great doctor and a great man. He was well liked, well respected and will be missed.
    RIP Jim.

  8. He was a nice guy. I sold a property for him many years ago.


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