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Sunday, July 07, 2019

President NOT Giving Up on Census Citizenship Question

President Donald Trump insisted Wednesday that he is not dropping efforts to include a citizenship question on the upcoming 2020 census, even as the U.S. Census Bureau has started the process of printing the questionnaire without it.

"News Reports about the Department of Commerce dropping its quest to put the Citizenship Question on the Census is incorrect or, to state it differently, FAKE!" Trump said in a tweet. "We are absolutely moving forward."



  1. Now the Redneck unlicensed crabbers in Nanticoke can scoop them all up.

  2. How easily the elites manage to get the population to stop thinking about something.
    The population doesn't need to worry, Mr Trump is on it.
    So on . . .

    Reading from the Langley script
    Wake up folks
    It is a charade

  3. Good! Thank you, Mr. President.

  4. The constitution says count everyone. Citizen or not. There is no reason for the question.

  5. Trump them again, President Trump. MAGA

  6. 5:59 PM
    And they will be counted. The census has many purposes. One is to provide an accurate number for voting districts. The illegal population should be subtracted for that purpose.
    We all have to answer invasive questions about ourselves whether we want to or not. It’s the law. If you don’t want to be counted or asked invasive questions, leave.

  7. 5:41, Please refer to Amendment XXVI. " Section 1. The right of CITIZENS OF THE UNITED STATES, who are eighteen years or older, to vote shall not be denied OR ABRIDGED by the United States or by any State on account of age.
    Section 2. The Congress shall have the power to enforce this article by APPROPRIATE legislation."

    Nothing there about Non- citizens. In fact, letting illegals vote ABRIDGES our right to vote.

  8. They ARE counting everyone, troll. They're just keeping track of the ones who have no right to claim representation.

  9. Love President Trump

    hate all liberals and illegals

  10. Do you guys really believe your vote counts for something?
    It matters?
    Why don't the voting machines provide a receipt (like an ATM)?


  11. Just ask:
    Where were you born? City and country...
    What date and year?
    Was your mother a US citizen when you were born? Their name...
    Was your father a US citizen when you were born? Their name...

    More than one way to get the info.

  12. And take your picture, like an ATM?

  13. 8:24
    Her name?
    His name?

    Most humans have only 1 mother and father (singular)

    1. 8:48- "Their" is a perfectly acceptable in its usage on 8:24's post. If you want to be a grammar Nazi, you better be correct.

  14. @July3, 2019 at 6:32 PM. What do you mean there is nothing there about Non-citizens. It clearly states," The right of CITIZENS OF THE UNITED STATES,. . " It states that you have to be a CITIZEN to vote. Which means non citizens cannot.

  15. Amazing ...Some People Cannot Read


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