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Tuesday, July 02, 2019

Photos show freak summer hailstorm coating roads with 5 feet of ice in Guadalajara, Mexico

A freak hailstorm blanketed large parts of Guadalajara on Sunday, coating the southwestern Mexican city's roads with up to 5 feet of ice.

The city had been experiencing temperatures of about 31 degrees Celsius (88 degrees Fahrenheit) in the days before the unexpected storm.

Dozens of vehicles were swept away, and cars and trucks were submerged. There were also reports of damage to homes and businesses.



  1. That's it, hells frozen over.

  2. That is weaponized weather modification.
    Chemical ice nucleation processes present in the aerosols over head.

  3. That will stop illegals from getting to the US border for invasion of the US.

  4. @9:01 PM nah, the dumb asses will try to swim through it, drown and it will be the fault of President Trump.


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