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Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Omar Explodes At Questioner: ‘Waste’ Of ‘Time’ Condemning ‘Al-Qaeda,’ ‘FGM,’ ‘Hamas’

Far-left Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) exploded at an audience member on Tuesday who asked her to condemn female genital mutilation — noting that it would be powerful if she did it — to which Omar said she was "disgusted" by the question and that it was a waste of time.

Ani Zonneveld, president of Muslims for Progressive Values, asked Omar, "Will you be able to make a statement against FGM? Because that's an issue in Detroit, and it would be really powerful if the two Muslim Congresswomen, yourself and Rashida, would make a statement on this issue."

Omar responded to the "appalling" question by saying: "Should I make a schedule? Like, does this need to be on repeat every 5 minutes? Should I be like, 'so, today I forgot to condemn Al-Qaeda, so here's the Al-Qaeda one. Today I forgot to condemn FGM so here it goes. Today I forgot to condemn Hamas so here it goes.' It is a very frustrating question that comes up."



  1. She will never go against Sharia Law, Al-Qaeda, Radical Islam or the Muslims.

  2. Frustrating question, because she can't and won't answer. She is the nastiest woman in Congress.


  3. In other words I'm not going to condemn sexual mutilation of young girls in my faith tradition because we've always done it that way to eliminate female pleasure from the sex act.

    And I support hazing because fraternity and sorority members went through it and so should prospective new members.

    Somebody did something broken record.

  4. Funny how women follow her not knowing her faith and what she believes in.

  5. That piece of trash has ZERO allegiance to the U.S.
    She should be put in prison or deported.

  6. I agree with 4:37 post. She refuses to answer the questions. That should tell you all you need to know about her.

  7. These four freshmen "freshwomen" have let their positions go to their heads. Power is their game. She is a very dangerous person. Not to let AOC out of it. Only she is dumber.


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