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Tuesday, July 09, 2019

NYT: Middle-Class Americans Must Sacrifice Their Suburbs to Aid Poor Immigrants

The federal government must force tens of millions of suburban voters to sacrifice their houses’ value, their quiet schools, and their green neighborhoods so poor immigrants can have cheaper rents and investors can build more houses, according to the New York Times‘ editorial board.

“The federal government is an irresistible force when it chooses to prioritize an issue. It is past time to prioritize the availability of affordable housing” for immigrants, says the July 7 editorial, titled “A New Approach on Housing Affordability.”

The editorial starts with a complaint about housing prices — but it never mentions the obvious fix: Ending the federal policy of annually importing 1 million immigrant workers, consumers, and renters, which inflates housing prices and class competition for good neighborhoods and good schools. Reduced immigration, in contrast, would raise Americans’ salaries, lower their housing prices, improve their schools, and also disappoint real-estate investors.



  1. Yall should probably travel through Montgomery and parts of PG counties. Immigrants have vitalized what were rundown neighborhoods and turned the corner on housing sales, business openings, and job growth.

  2. 10:02
    Bullcrap! They have destroyed Silver Spring, Gaithersburg, Germantown and are working on Frederick and Damascus. The crime in those areas has sky rocketed.

  3. Send them to the Hamptons

  4. Show me a Hispanic and I'll show you one with his hands out...my experience is they take and don't give or contribute back... tell me I'm wrong...

  5. Have you seen the new city ordinance in Austin Texas? It is now okay if some ne'er do well wants to sleep on the sidewalk in front of your house. And, there is nothing you can do about it, it is now their right.

  6. 1054 you are full of crap. See there are actual data and facts out there that outway your trash opinions. Example: Median home prices in Gaithersburg have gone from the 320k's in 2010 to around 370k. Plenty of folks are still snatching up housing out there. Same trend in Germantown and Silver Spring. Silver Spring is below both the MD and National average for violent and property crime for similar sized cities. I'm looking at brand new condo buildings headed to delivery right now in SS.

    The fact that you think the way you do, despite the readily available data, shows you are either too lazy to research before you speak or too dumb to understand how numbers work.

    1. These homes especially in PG county are being purchased by the blacks that Obama put in the Federal Government under affirmative action making 135,00 a year plus 5 weeks vacation 4 weeks sick leave and some even paid travel expenses to and from work plus travel to Government conferences which are mostly vacations - nothing ever gets done. I should write a box of my experiences in the Govt but I would end up in jail or worse Hilarryised!!

  7. 726 you must be right, because before Trump showed up you guys were yelling for a decade that Hispanics were TAKING your jobs. LOL

    1. hispanics and illegals are lowering our standard of living by working for greedy corporations and businesses for less than a living wage. They are able to do this by packing 20 humans in a dwelling meant to house a family of 4 or 5. Plus don't have to pay health care, it's free for non-citizens.

  8. Northwest Woodsman: More government tyranny trying to force their will on citizens that want no part of it. Another obvious reason why the Marxist political class wants to disarm us.

  9. 927: Please keep up

    #1 I said Montgomery County and some parts of PG.
    #2 Obama? Have you seen the average age of the federal workforce? These folks have been in government since Obama was in Highschool
    #3 Just like 1054, if you can't grab the basic facts/logic on these first two, no need even addressing any of the other nonsense you just spewed.


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