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Tuesday, July 09, 2019

Nolte: Democrats Just Had Their Worst Week in 47 Years

Not since the 1972 discovery that George McGovern’s vice presidential pick, Thomas Eagleton, had been hospitalized and given electroshock treatments have the Democrats had a worse week than the one we just concluded.

Because Democrats live on social media and watch CNN, they don’t know this yet…

But they had a catastrophic week — hoo, boy, did they ever — a week that will haunt them straight through to November 2020.

Let us count the ways…
  1. The Fake News Media Is the Only Shrinking Institution in America’s Booming Economy
Before 2019 is over, there will be upwards of 12,000 job cuts within the American media. That’s 12,000 fewer Democrat foot soldiers; 12,000 fewer propagandists, serial liars, cheerleaders, and toadies to hold Antifa’s jacket as they beat elderly Trump supporters to death with crowbars.

Every industry in Trump’s America is expanding and thriving … except for the media.



  1. Don't get too comfortable. Their message and delivery will remain unchanged, except when subterfuge is underway. (But they're so clumsy!)

  2. Good, I hope they have a lot more miserable weeks

  3. And the younger generation loves the Democrats.


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