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Wednesday, July 17, 2019

New documents revisit questions about Rep. Ilhan Omar's marriage history

New investigative documents released by a state agency have given fresh life to lingering questions about the marital history of Rep. Ilhan Omar and whether she once married a man — possibly her own brother — to skirt immigration laws.

Omar has denied the allegations in the past, dismissing them as “baseless rumors” first raised in an online Somali politics forum and championed by conservative bloggers during her 2016 campaign for the Minnesota House. But she said little then or since about Ahmed Nur Said Elmi, the former husband who swept into her life in 2009 before a 2011 separation.

The questions surfaced again this month in a state probe of campaign finance violations showing that Omar filed federal taxes in 2014 and 2015 with her current husband, Ahmed Hirsi, while she was still legally married to but separated from Elmi.

Although she has legally corrected the discrepancy, she has declined to say anything about how or why it happened.

The new documents also detail the Omar campaign’s efforts to keep the story of her marriage to Elmi out of the press, arguing that detailed coverage would legitimize the accusations and invade her privacy.



  1. Her team is scrambling to make this all go away, while the DNC wants her to go away.

  2. This is a way for her to go away TRUMP DEPORT HER ASS.

  3. "...arguing that detailed coverage would legitimize the accusations and invade her privacy."

    In plain English, they feared that the truth would come out and damage her chances for election.

  4. Is this the one who sometimes looks like it's wearing a toilet seat cover on her head? The most puzzling of it all is how it found one man hard up enough to marry it much less 2.

  5. So she marries her first husband in their "faith tradition" only. Not legally recognized in other words. After spawning a few and a few years later they "divorce" in their "faith tradition." Less then a year later she marries her brother supposedly a British citizen (but who really knows since just like all democrats she lies constantly)-legally. And you know it IS her brother since she married him LEGALLY and the other loser she's "married' twice but only in their "faith tradition".
    2 yrs later she and her brother "end" their relationship but not legally as in divorce. Just enough time for the brother to become legal here.
    Less then a year later she is back with the first one and they spawn another one.
    For 2 yrs she's filed jointly with the sperm inserter even though then never legally married.
    Once all this comes out the skank files and is granted a legal divorce from her brother and legally marries the sperm inserter.


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