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Tuesday, July 09, 2019

New Clinton Email Scandal Testimony

Judicial Watch attorneys obtained blockbuster testimony from former State Department official John Hackett, who was Director for Information Programs and Services (IPS), which handles records management at the State Department, Mr. Hackett testified under oath that he had raised concerns about former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s missing emails.

Her staff had “culled out 30,000” of the secretary’s “personal” emails without following strict National Archives standards, he said in his deposition. The full transcript deposition is here.

His testimony came as part of a series of court-ordered depositions and questions under oath of senior Obama-era State Department officials, lawyers, and Clinton aides.

Hackett also revealed that he believed there was interference with the formal Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) review process related to the classification of Clinton’s Benghazi-related emails.

Hackett served first as deputy director then as director for Information Programs and Services, which handles the FOIA request program and the retirement of and declassification of documents at the State Department. He was at the department from April 2013 to March 2016.

In March 2015, Clinton told reporters that she and her staff had deleted more than 30,000 emails “because they were personal and private about matters that I believed were within the scope of my personal privacy.” ABC News reported: “However, after a year-long investigation, the FBI recovered more than 17,000 emails that had been deleted or otherwise not turned over to the State Department, and many of them were work-related, the FBI has said.”

Hackett recalled a conversation about requesting rules or parameters from Secretary Clinton or her attorneys that they used to segregate her personal and official work emails.



  1. Aka Jeffery Epstein.

  2. And to date absolutely nothing has been done about this. Talk about above the law, perfect example right here.

  3. I have a feeling that a million years from now, paleontologists will still be uncovering lost emails covered in Clinton dirt.

  4. We all know that crooked Hillary is never going to prison because if by some fluke she actually wound up in court and was found guilty she would suddenly have health issues considered too serious for prison. So the best we can hope for is that her ugly daughter is jailed for crooked dealings at the Clinton Foundation, that would hurt that crooked murdering bitch as much as anything.

  5. An IT guy named Hackett! Love it!

  6. The Clinton gravy train is finally coming to a greasy, tainted, and way too long end. Hillary is finally being exposed for her transgressions and will go down with the blood of Benghazi on her hands and Bill will be outed as an underage child sex offender along with Epstein. Disgrace in the court of public opinion may be more excruciating than jail time; the Clinton Foundation will be toast as more and more skeletons will be coming out of the closet.

  7. Let's hope it takes Obama too.


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