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Saturday, July 27, 2019

Nadler's Trump Hunt Is Dead and He's the Only One Who Doesn't Know

Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-N.Y.) on Friday outlined details of what he and the House Judiciary Committee will continue doing to further beat the dead horse that is his witch hunt investigation into President Trump.

To much of America, it came off as more of a cry for help. Here is a thirty-six second snippet of Nadler's babble-fest:

For the past couple of years Democrats have been waiting for Robert Mueller to be their Santa Claus, delivering them a litany of impeachable offenses all neatly wrapped up with a pretty bow on top.

When Santa wrote them a letter in the form of the special counsel report and it didn't include any clear mention of the presents, they were convinced that he would most definitely bring them in person.

So they subpoenaed him.

When Santa came down the Capitol Hill chimney on Wednesday, all he brought with him to give the Democrats was a big bag of coal, which he then awkwardly delivered.


1 comment:

  1. Time to Investigate the INVESTIGATORS !!! NOW


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