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Wednesday, July 24, 2019

MSP Press Release 7-24-19 (Fatal MVC Delmar)


  1. I told my wife the other day it was bound to happen soon. There is no speed enforcement on line rd by Delaware or Maryland and it has become a drag strip. Dsp and Msp need to coordinate enforcement.

  2. Wrong, a friend of mine got a speed warning on line road a couple months ago on line rd by a Maryland State trooper

  3. 6:28--
    Spot on. The last time I took 54, was passed by several while driving the speed limit, one of which was easily doing 20 mph over.

    8:50-- Just because your friend received a warning doesn't mean there isn't a problem.

  4. 10:52, agreed people on that road drive like idiots, same reason there are soooo many accidents on it, people coming off side roads misjudge how fast the traffic is moving and bam, another accident!

  5. You are correct 10:52, I'm just saying that line rd is patrolled by MSP


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