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Sunday, July 28, 2019

Montgomery County will not cooperate with ICE

Montgomery County Executive Marc Elrich aims to put distance between Maryland’s most populous county and federal immigration authorities by signing an executive order Monday.

Elrich said he wants to tell all county agencies that they are not allowed to ask people about their immigration status or cooperate with Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

“The Promoting Community Trust Executive Order aims to reaffirm current county policy and improve community security by ensuring that immigrant and otherwise vulnerable communities can engage with county departments,” Elrich’s office said in a statement.

Elrich will be joined by County Council President Nancy Navarro and other community leaders.

According to Montgomery County acting Police Chief Marcus Jones, the policy of not collaborating with ICE has already been in place.



  1. So now individual counties can choose to violate any federal or state laws they choose? If counties can ignore laws then so can cities? And if individual cities and towns can ignore whats laws they choose...then so can individual citizens...

  2. Don't look for any State funding.

  3. Then ice should go door to door and demand to see your papers. It’s time to bring back ss techniques for sanctuary cities.

  4. Now US Marshals need to arrest him for violating the US Code laws!

  5. lock him up
    with Hogan

    send a message

  6. Cut their funding for all activities. Oh, I forgot we have a rino for governer. Oh well, trump should cut Maryland's grants and funding by the percentage of people in that county

  7. Throw these clowns in jail for breaking federal law.

  8. ditto 11:58...but getting out of MD now is paramount before its to late

  9. Trump make us patriots Marshalls and we will lock these POS up.

  10. They WILL or get arrested !!! Feds are in Charge !!!!

  11. Getting sick & tired of States & Countys & Cities telling the

    Federal Govt what They are going to do or Not do !!!!

    Last time I checked (& Proven after the Civil War) Federal
    Govt is OVER ALL other Govt's in America / USA !!!!

    Time to ARREST these Enemys of America & Shut them Up !

  12. Lock up ALL who interfere with FEDERAL LAW !!!

    Sanctuary Cities / Marijuana Sales States /

    Those who block Law Enforcement Officers

    Those who Hire or Hide Illegals or give them benefits !!!!

    Including CONGRESSMAN !!!!

  13. County Executive Elrich was also anti-Vietnam activist. Stated on his web page - I didn't make it up. He is very involved in "tenants" rights. According to his web site he is a builder. Seems to me that he wants to protects those tenants in the apartment buildings that he built. His financial investment in the community, his district. Must be up for reelection. Look it up. No wonder he doesn't want ICE in his Building. Just saying.

  14. County Executive Elrich was also anti-Vietnam activist. Stated on his web page - I didn't make it up. He is very involved in "tenants" rights. According to his web site he is a builder. Seems to me that he wants to protects those tenants in the apartment buildings that he built. His financial investment in the community, his district. Must be up for reelection. Look it up. No wonder he doesn't want ICE in his Building. Just saying.

  15. ICE will put the crooked Politicians on ICE !!!! Hint Hint

  16. Jake Burdett is praising their county executive on his FB page.


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