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Thursday, July 25, 2019

Migrants Brutally Beaten by Mob After Molesting Underage Girls

A pair of Moldovan migrants were viciously beaten by a mob at a French outdoor swimming pool after molesting two underage girls.

The incident occurred at around 4 pm over the weekend in the French commune of Draveil with the two migrants, said to be in their 30s, sexually assaulting a 12-year-old and a 15-year-old girl, Le Parisien reports.

Immediately after the assault, one of the girls screamed, alerting other bathers who attempted to attack the two men. The father of the young girls also joined in and is said to have beaten them both.

More here


  1. Awesome, people in France are getting tired of judges not handing out appropriate sentences, so the citizens are talking justice into their own hands. That's what should be happening here, in the United States too, since we also have judges not capable of properly evaluating a crime and police forces unable to enforce law because their hands are tied. Just look what happened in nyc a couple days ago when police officers had buckets of water dumped on them by unruly thugs.

  2. That's what happens when you allow those POS into your country. The EU and the politically correct crowd are the ones responsible for that. By now from everything I have read it's too late to do much about it except enact zero tolerance laws that would automatically allow to deport anyone that breaks those laws. You mess up you are immediately out or you die, that's it no exceptions. But the bleeding hearts like Angla Merkle and Teresa May will never let that happen.

  3. This is simply not acceptable to assault them in this manner.

    They should have been killed.

  4. No not brutally beaten, Justice was served properly. Do more of this and maybe they will go home!

  5. The only way Teresa May or Angle Merkle would support that idea is if they personally got raped but that won't happen because they are both too old and ugly.

  6. When you're play with fire you're going to get burned

  7. The way it's supposed to be handled...

  8. OATH KEEPERS ... we do not like PALSJuly 25, 2019 at 7:57 PM

    Can we hire this dad and his friends to go after the Clintons??

  9. They should og hung them.

  10. So is Jeffrey Epstein a migrant?


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