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Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Mexican national in US illegally is charged with causing child's death while driving without a license

NEWARK - U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s (ICE) Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO) officers have arrested a Mexican national charged by the Egg Harbor Township Police Department for causing death while driving without a license, a 3rd degree felony, July 11, 2019. Jorge Rodriguez-Saldana, 30, was driving a vehicle that struck a grandmother and her two grandchildren, killing the seven-year-old child and critically injuring the grandmother.

He was released from local custody on a summons following the incident. Law enforcement authorities in Atlantic County did not refer the case for ICE for review. On July 13, 2019, Rodriguez-Saldana was arrested by ICE-ERO Newark Officers in Horsham, Pennsylvania for immigration violations as he was in the U.S. illegally.
“Unfortunately this is another example that makes apparent the significant public safety concerns the NJ AG Directive limiting cooperation with ICE poses,” said John Tsoukaris, field office director for ICE-ERO Newark. “Had it not been for the persistent, courageous and diligent efforts of ICE-ERO to track him down, this individual might have fled. We will continue to make public safety our highest priority despite dangerous state policies.”


  1. And to think > Delaware gives them a License !!! Dugh

  2. The dumbocrats don't give a s&&& about you and me. All the dumbocrat syndicate corruption party cares about is retaining power.

  3. Corey Booker threatens to punch president Trump.

    1. Corey Booker is a limp wristed homo

  4. Booker is a Nutcase who should have been Thrown OUT
    of Congress !!!!

  5. Hey 6:10 Maryland has for years.

  6. If Americans would not hire illegal undocumented workers and give them jobs they would not be here. Americans who hire illegals are why this happened. So sad.

  7. Consider this you all...if your are involved in an accident with an illegal who most likely does not have insurance let alone a DL, YOU PAY. They are easy to spot; look for cars with out of state license plates ie Georgia, Florida...they get registered there then drop the insurance.


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