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Sunday, July 21, 2019

MD Rep. Elijah Cummings reacts to Trump's tweets about freshmen congresswomen

BALTIMORE (WBFF) In Washington, the war of words continued between the President and four freshman Congresswomen.

This morning, President Trump tweeted, "I don't believe the four Congresswomen are capable of loving our Country. They should apologize to America and Israel for the horrible, hateful things they have said."

Last week, Trump tweeted they should go back from where they came.

Maryland's Congressman Elijah Cummings spoke this morning about the controversy. He said, "We had been constrained to a wading pool in the black community. We tried to integrate as we did march towards that pool over six days.



  1. Cummings has been a Platinum Race Card holder for decades.

  2. Get sick and tire of this BS about Israel everytimre some says anything about them they are called anti Semitic total BS, supremist in Charlottesville as good people as they were chanting that the Jews won't replace us were is this Devilish mind of His ?

  3. Tired of looking at that TIRE of a FACE. He's not even a good actor.

  4. 7:25 must be hard when he can remember a time he wasn't allowed to drink out of the same water fountain as you or buy the same property you could buy..

    1. He's not old enough to have experienced that

  5. Northwest Woodsman: If you have ever watched Cummings in action, you would realize what an affirmative action recipient and total moron he is. Funny to watch as he has to make such an effort to act intelligent and sophisticated. Like a parrot, he mimics the language of people who do have some degree of intelligence. What a buffoon! Sad thing is that those who vote for him are even worse.

  6. I don't think I have ever heard this monster talk in a normal tone. He is always so angry about everything and yells.


  7. He is an angry, ignorant, ugly pile of corruption. Hope DOJ is on his case!


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