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Sunday, July 14, 2019

Maryland Is The Worst State For Retirement, Study Says

BALTIMORE (WJZ) — Despite all of the great things about Maryland from seafood, beaches, wineries, and more — it’s ranked as the worst state for retirement.

For this study, Bankrate looked at affordability, weather and a number of other factors important to retirees.

Maryland ranked dead last at no. 50 overall. It ranked no. 47 for affordability, no. 33 for crime, no. 42 for culture, no. 18 for weather, and no. 37 for wellness.

“Where to live is probably one of the most personal decisions one can make because it’s not just about preferences, it’s also about the financial considerations that are associated with it,” says Mark Hamrick, senior economic analyst at Bankrate.



  1. Democratic state. Go figure.

  2. "DEM" good old sanctuary States!! Why would anyone choose to run a state this way?

  3. Tied with NM at 48th. NY is 50th.

  4. Retire?! Maryland is the worst state to live in. PERIOD!

  5. its why you need to leave ASAP

  6. Gee thanks. This is where I'll retire. Been here all my life. Encouraging news. Lol

  7. Wicomico County - the worst!!!

    1. It's obviously based on DABURY.


  9. Surprised that Delaware is not higher up on the list. The lower taxes, fairly mild climate and the tremendous growth that is occurring in Eastern Sussex County surely counters the position it has been assigned. Of course the evaluation was made for the entire state, but when it comes to Maryland, Worcester county with its lower taxes and attractions is probably the best County to retire in as far as Maryland goes.

  10. Surprised that Delaware is not higher up on the list. The lower taxes, fairly mild climate and the tremendous growth that is occurring in Eastern Sussex County surely counters the position it has been assigned. Of course the evaluation was made for the entire state, but when it comes to Maryland, Worcester county with its lower taxes and attractions is probably the best County to retire in as far as Maryland goes.

  11. 932 really??? For a statewide analysis you blame them? Do you really think Salisbury or Wicomico county has EVER been considered a retirement destination?? LOLx3

  12. I don't know about the rest of the state, but I am loving life in Ocean Pines!

    1. @9:59 it's just a matter of time before they try to loop ocean pines into the Berlin md 34% tax increase.

    2. Nope, never happen. I’m sure good ole Gee would love that, but Chip D would have him for breakfast

  13. This is Why Salisbury and Jake day need to be Investigated by the FBI for altering Crime Stats they are destroying the city which interns makes Wicomico look bad I myself live in a small town in the county and it Awesome but wouldn't step foot in the Shithole thug town dabury.

  14. NO small business Should open in Salisbury it's a welfare anti business Shithole and is only interested to selling Tax payers PROPERTY for pennies on the $$$ like the firehouse the GILLIS are cancer to Salisbury Jim and Jake and the CITY COUNCIL have a Govt Investigation coming there way .... Wink Wink.

  15. Maryland? Good weather?

  16. It’s the worse state to work for too!!

  17. July 12, 2019 at 9:49 AM Actually this is all BS because last month someone linked an article that Delaware was the worse state to retire in.

    They get paid to write, whether it is factual or not.

  18. Hogan and the crooks in Annapolis is doing nothing to improve this situation. Lot of us are stuck, since we can't afford to move and buy a home else where.

  19. Ever been to Louisiana or Arkansas? I'll take Md. over those states.

  20. No one has factored in the escrow freeze,and more than likely very few know about it.Taxes can go sky high but escrow is frozen in place.The only exception is if you refinance to a lower interest rate which is foolish,because your escrow rate can then be adjusted & make refinancing a waste of time and money.Stay where you are unless you are over 6%.

    1. Having a mortgage is a sign of failure

  21. 718 not every one is successful like you.

  22. I just received and paid my tax bill. $6500, yup $125 a week for property taxes. WTF ??? I'm now retired, no kids in school. I do get my trash picked up though. As soon as my girl retires, we're out. Can't stand the politics, the traffic, the taxes, the city and the crime.


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