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Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Mary Ann Mendoza: Politicians Enabling Illegal Alien ‘Invasion’ Are Helping Kill Americans ‘Every Single Day’

Politicians facilitating an “invasion” of illegal immigration are “contributing to the death of every innocent American” that is killed by illegal aliens on a daily basis, said Angel Mom Mary Ann Mendoza in a Tuesday interview on SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Daily with host Alex Marlow.

“Every one of these congressional leaders who have done nothing to secure our border — to stop this invasion that’s been happening — they are contributing to the death of every innocent American that is happening every single day,” Mendoza declared.

Mendoza continued, “Illegal aliens affect American citizens every hour. … Americans are torn apart by illegal alien criminals every hour. They are. Either they’re killed, they’re raped, they’re assaulted, it’s a hit-and-run, or their identity is stolen. Every hour, an American is affected by illegal alien crime, and it’s growing every day as more of them come over our borders.”


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