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Monday, July 08, 2019

Majority of Americans Want Mass Deportations of Illegal Aliens

A majority of Americans want mass deportations of illegal aliens if Congress fails to reach a deal this week that closes loopholes in the country’s asylum system that allow mass flows of foreign nationals to pour through the U.S.-Mexico border.

The latest Harvard/Harris poll finds that 51 percent of American voters say they support mass deportations of the 11 million to 22 million illegal aliens living in the U.S. should Congress fail to reach a deal that closes loopholes in the asylum system.

More than 8-in-10 Republican voters, as well as more than 5-in-10 swing voters, said President Trump should carry out mass deportations of illegal aliens following Congressional inaction. Nearly 9-in-10 Trump supporters said the same.

More here


  1. Deportation? Not really. Simply stop the influx of ILLEGALS coming in. I don't care how old they are. I just find it repulsive that a Congress that financially benefits personally from law breakers continually asks for more. AOC got there, contributed nothing and is already asking for a raise as well as MORE illegals.

  2. and legal mail order brides

  3. sooner the better and don't forget the anchor babies and all foreign pregnant women until after they give birth.

  4. The estimated numbers are WAY low...ICE agents that I know say real numbers are at least 3 times what are "estimated".

  5. Yes and send DEMS with them.


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