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Friday, July 05, 2019

MAD magazine to end publication after 67 years of illustrated humor

Burbank, California — The long-running satirical publication MAD magazine will be leaving newsstands this fall. The illustrated humor magazine will still be available in comic shops and through mail to subscribers — but after its fall issue it will just reprint previously published material.

The only new material will come in special editions at the end of the year. DC, the division of Warner Brothers that publishes the magazine, said MAD will pull from nostalgic cartoons and parodies published over the magazine's 67-year run.

From its debut in 1952, Mad Magazine became an iconic pop cultural reference for generations of Americans, young and old alike. Its recurring illustrated features like Antonio Prohías' "Spy vs. Spy" and Dave Berg's "The Lighter Side of..." gave the magazine intellectual credibility while remaining comedic, as one played on Cold War tensions with Russia while the other looked at American culture through a sarcastic lens highlighting misunderstandings between the Silent Generation and Baby Boomers.



  1. MAD has been doing nothing but republishing previous comics for years now. Between that and the addition of ads I'm surprised they are even still around.

  2. Good! Tired of that little prick on the cover anyway.

  3. they used to be a good magazine, then they turned political for all the wrong reasons and they have sucked since!

  4. Haven't read it since tht great cartoonist, Don Martin, left.

  5. They got bought out and went from NYC to LA, where the mag turned ugly and irrelevant.

  6. Uh Oh, Where's Chelsea Clinton gonna get her portraits published now?

  7. Loved That Mag !! MAD !! Spy vs Spy ..bout only thing I really enjoyed reading !!! Sorry to hear down the tubes it when over the years !!

  8. Where is Barry Obama going to work now?

  9. MAD rolled over and caved over 20 years ago.


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