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Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Macy’s Pulls ‘Mom Jeans’ Plates After Tweet

Writer Alie Ward spotted the plates at Macy’s flagship Herald Square location in New York on Sunday night, and tweeted a picture.

As the “Pourtions” company celebrated their new-found moment in the spotlight on Instagram, Ward took to Twitter with her complaint. “How can I get these plates from Macy’s banned in all 50 states?” she asked. Within hours, Macy’s answered.

“Hi, Alie — we appreciate you sharing this with us and agree that we missed the mark on this product,” the company tweeted. “It will be removed from all STORY at Macy’s locations.” Later, Macy’s delivered an apology via a statement to CNN:

Pourtions countered by claiming the plates are meant to be “a light-hearted take on the important issue of portion control,” while apologizing if the design was “hurtful to anyone.”

We feel very strongly about the positive, light-hearted message conveyed by our glasses & plates. The response today has been overwhelmingly positive, including more interest in Pourtions & sales today than ever before,” President Mary Cassidy wrote in an email.

As the creators of Pourtions, we feel badly if what was meant to be a light-hearted take on the important issue of portion control was hurtful to anyone. Pourtions is intended to support healthy eating and drinking. Everyone who has appreciated Pourtions knows that it can be tough sometimes to be as mindful and moderate in our eating and drinking as we’d like, but that a gentle reminder can make a difference.



  1. Everyone needs to grow some thicker skin

  2. Snowflakes complain and the companies fold.

  3. There are a lot of people who need those plates.

  4. One person out of a million complains and the company folds for one. Only in 2019 do we let one apple spoil the rest.

  5. I thought they were kind of cute, certainly not offensive!


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